"If you're fortunate enough to be in a marriage, you should look after it."  - Richard Kane, Founder, Marriage Week

The 2025 National Marriage Week theme is "Pursuing a Lasting Love."

Why Marriage Matters

"...We should provide the facts about the importance of marriage as a matter of child welfare and economic aspiration. As a society, we have launched highly effective public education campaigns on much less momentous issues, from smoking to recycling... For now, the decline of marriage is our most ignored national crisis..." -- TIME Magazine.

"The Brookings Institution says that if we had the marriage rate today that we had in 1970, there would be a 25 percent drop in poverty. The Heritage Foundation says that marriage drops the probability of a child living in poverty by 82 percent.” -- FoxNews 

"National Marriage Week presents a chance to focus on rebuilding a culture of marriage for this generation." 

--  NEWSWEEK magazine

National Marriage Week USA is:

A movement to unite marriage leaders and supporters across the U.S.

A Movement

National Calendar

A national calendar for locating and posting marriage events, and classes.

A public campaign to promote awareness of the positive impact that marriages have on society.

A Campaign

A place where you can find access to resources for your marriage; as well as for those in your community.

A Source of Help

Read the latest research on the value of marriage

Learn how to start a Community Marriage Initiative in your area.

Toolkit to help you make a difference in your own community - flyers, ads, radio spots, and more!

A national clearinghouse for marriage events throughout the country.

Marriage Leaders and Community Marriage Initiatives Across the Country