A centralized location to help you find marriage content, speakers, and resources that fit best into your church and community.
Church Resources
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. Re|engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. Check out this short video about the course.
Grace Marriage provides a ministry structure and a church marriage curriculum that focuses on wellness and crisis prevention. Grace Marriage is not a one-time conference or seminar. It’s an ongoing strategy and pathway for marriage discipleship. Christian marriages should stand out from the culture and we’ll help you disciple your congregation to that end. You’ll help them build their marriages on the grace of Jesus and show them how to protect, enrich and grow their marriages.
Research has shown that taking the Prepare/Enrich assessment prior to marriage reduces your risk for divorce by 30%. PREPARE/ENRICH has an online diagnostic premarital assessment, as well as an assessment for married couples. Prepare/Enrich will help you celebrate your strengths as a couple and use them to gain momentum in the growth areas of your relationship. The assessment primes you to have meaningful conversations as you continue to grow as a couple. The site also provides info about facilitator training.
A Lasting Promise
A Lasting Promise is designed to teach the proven strategies of PREP from within a solid Christian framework, starting with foundational biblical teachings on marriage. Perfect for use in workshops with engaging content that couples want. A Lasting Promise is the ideal curriculum for marriage enrichment or premarital classes for couples. Check it out at prepinc.com.
Love and Respect DVD Series & Conference
Love & Respect, the national bestselling book, now offers new 6-week DVD series or 14-week home study series at www.loveandrespect.com. Or watch their entire conference online here!
Art of Marriage DVD
FamilyLife offers their popular DVD The Art of Marriage at www.familylife.com/ArtOfMarriage.
The Marriage Course
The all-new refreshed 7 video episodes are available for FREE online. The course can be offered in-person or online. No group interaction, only private sharing between the couple. Locate a course or learn how to host one at www.alphausa.org/marriage.
Focus On The Family
Marriage experts Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, know that every marriage has its ups and downs. That’s why the Smalleys and Focus on the Family have created award-winning resources and small group curriculums to help each marriage thrive and last a lifetime. Additionally, Focus on the Family has produced a Free Marriage Assessment that evaluates the 12 essential traits of your marriage—areas including communication, conflict, intimacy and commitment.
MarriageTeam Ministries (MTM) desire is to serve the church by strengthening and saving marriages. We recognize that the church is empowered with the resources it needs to accomplish this task. We provide a marriage coaching program that equips your church to create and sustain an effective couples’ coaching ministry. We recognize that the church is empowered with the resources it needs to accomplish this task and are blessed to be a part of what you are doing.
Connected Marriage is an online Christian program developed for marriage mentors to use with the couples they are mentoring. It is a complete online marriage education program that combines eLearning with online assessments that provides mentors with over 70 pages of insight into a couple’s relationship.
Guardrails: Avoiding Regrets in Your Life
DVD - 6 sessions and participant guide by Dr. Andy Stanley.
Grace Filled Marriage
Workbook by Dr. Tim Kimmel. Available here.
The Marriage You Always Wanted Small Group Experience
by Gary Chapman.
Making the Most of Marriage Video Series
(Seven 25-minute lessons plus workbook) by Dr. Kevin Leman. Available here.
is a downloadable video-based marriage program with Dr. Josh and Christi Straub. Available here. Test drive 10 Great Dates. Download the gratis 1st Great Date which includes a short video date launch and PDF of the reading assignment and dating exercise. 10 Great Dates is a low key, fun, skilled based dating program that has helped tens of thousands of couples remember why they got marriage in the first place and encouraged them to work on their relationship.
Living God's Purpose for Your Marriage is a new home group study by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen Lakelly Hunt, Ph.D. founders of Imago Relationship Therapy.
Essentials of Marriage
3 DVD Series for Small groups, classes, retreats or couple enrichment. More than 12 Christian Marriage Leaders speaking in the purpose of marriage; practical everyday issues and problems in marriage. Presenters include: Dr. Gary Chapman; Gary and Barb Rossberg; Gary Smalley; Greg Smalley (host); Dave Ramsey; Dr. Archibald Hart; Les and Leslie Parrott; Dr. John Trent; Mitch Temple; Dr. Julie Slattery. Click here for more information.
For more than 50 years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries unlock the power of their relationships with new ways to do the “I do.” The Marriage Encounter experience helps you listen, share, and connect more deeply. There’s no group discussion. It’s just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be.
Joe and Stephanie DeMott have created the marriage course "8 Keys to Breakthrough-Victory In Your Marriage"which can be be used in home groups, Sunday Schools, etc. They also can train couples to teach this course in their churches.
The Demotts are also available for speaking in churches, conferences, and seminars and have been in marriage leadership for 38 years.