Marriage Week Livestreams
Get ready for powerful livestreams each night of National Marriage Week -
8 Essentials of a Lasting Love.
Let us know you want to attend by clicking the button for each night that interests you.
By doing so, you will receive not only the live link prior to the event, but bonus resources after the event, as well as a rewatch link in case you end up missing it.
Day 1 Virtual Event
Friday, February 7
Family Roots Impact Your Marriage
Two very distinct lives collide when they merge together as one. Learning how to give and take while understanding how your family of origin impacted you both, will help you each communicate and create your own unique future unit. A healthy married couple who is steadfast and unwavering in their love and commitment can leave a marriage legacy with ripple effects into the children and grandchildren that come from it.
Amy Gilford
Scott Kedersha
Michael & Julie Johnson
We want to encourage couples to discuss their family roots and how these have shaped them as individuals. Talk together about the things you've brought from your family of origin into your marriage and family today, as well as the things you've intentionally chosen not to carry on.
Day 2 Virtual Event
Saturday, February 8
Building Togetherness While Honoring Individuality
People often think that “togetherness” means seeing things the same way. But “togetherness” is often rooted in embracing one another’s strengths, stepping in for each other’s weaknesses, and honoring the individuality you each bring to the relationship.
Dr. Kim Kimberling
George & Tondra Gregory
John Van Epp
Today, be intentional about building togetherness as a couple while honoring each other's unique "bents," personality, and life dreams. Take some time to discuss your individual differences and how you can each honor, respect, and champion what makes the other unique.
Day 3 Virtual Event
Sunday, February 9
Becoming Parents!
Embracing parenthood is a joyful magical time, but nothing shifts the marriage relationship quite like it. A couple now has to consider and work harder for private time together and to overcome impacts on the relationships like tiredness, financial stress, etc.
Rob Rienow
Dr. Ray Guarendi
Karen Stubbs
Parenthood changes a relationship forever. Make a game plan for how you can carve out "couple time" during the busy season of being mom and dad.
Day 4 Virtual Event
Monday, February 10
Coping With Crisis & Adversity
Tough times come to every marriage. But it takes communication skills, commitment, and intention to not only overcome and walk through these challenges together - but to come out the other side stronger and more bonded to one another.
Robert Paul
Russ Berg
Greg & Lisa Popcak
Crisis and adversity often come when we least expect them. Today, each of you should write down how the other person truly supported you during a difficult time. Then, share your thoughts with each other.
Day 5 Virtual Event
Tuesday, February 11
Making a Safe Place for Conflict
Whether you and your spouse are opposites, or merely have differences in opinion often - learning how to express your emotions and know they will land in a safe space are crucial.
Brad Rhoads
Troy & Kathleen Billings
Sharon May
Creating a safe place for conflict is key to effective communication and growth as husband and wife. Discuss how you both handle disagreements and identify areas where each of you can improve.
Day 6 Virtual Event
Wednesday, February 12
Intimacy in Marriage
Intimacy is both physical and emotional. It needs to be protected, nurtured, and cherished.
Jonathan Daugherty
Laura & Patrick Gallier
Dr. Juli Slattery
Intimacy involves both your thoughts and actions. Challenge yourself to be intentional in this area today by finding ways to connect on both levels.
Day 7 Virtual Event
Thursday, February 13
Keeping the Fun Alive
Humor helps keep things in perspective while creating an environment where marriage is still fun and each spouse continues to enjoy the other.
Bill & Pam Farrel
Chris & Jamie Bailey
Jim Burns
Today, focus on having FUN! Life is hard enough without adding some fun into the mix. What can you do to make your spouse smile and laugh today?
Day 8 Virtual Event
Friday, February 14
Nurturing Emotions & Romance
Feelings fade. Over the years it takes planning to invest in romance and keep that interest level alive. It’s also easy to grow complacent and forget how to be gentle or understanding with a spouse’s emotions. The “comfort level” of a long-held marriage can be reassuring but also neglectful if not tended to regularly.
Dr. Willard Harley marriagebuilders.com
David and Claudia Arp 10greatdates.org/pages/about-us
Greg & Julie Gorman marriedforapurpose.com
Today's challenge is two-fold. First, focus on how you can listen to and acknowledge your spouse's feelings more effectively. Second, do something romantic for your spouse... JUST BECAUSE.
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